On Christmas we were at Gramee and Grandpa's. We slept in after our late night, had a good breakfast, and were very patient before we got to the important task of presents. We were dedicated once we got to that duty, though. Only John could not keep it together for the annual self-timer family portrait. Next year, John.
We hardly need direction or guidance to make cookies anymore. Julia managed to get a perfectly rolled piece of dough. We have been eating some tasty gingerbread ever since!
We took a trip to the Children's Museum to burn some energy on a chilly December morning. John really enjoyed fishing for newts in this little stream. We played and played and then enjoyed a very leisurely lunch.
When Grandma Linda came to town, we went to Caroling at Cloudgate. We had a very nice time, singing along to all our favorites. They even sang Jingle Bells! John reprised his classic "Where are you dragging me now?" glare for the occasion, but the rest of us had a nice time!
Grandma Linda is in town, so we have been to the Christmas tree farm! As is typical for us, we chose the coldest day of the year so far. The selection was limited this year. We hunted and hunted. And finally found a great one!
We took a trip to the bowling alley last week to use a Groupon and kill a rainy, blustery afternoon. The girls really got the hang of it, and even John got in on the game. First, pick a ball. Then, set up at the line. Give the ball a push, wait 15-20 seconds for it to work its way down the alley... Seven!! Good job, everyone!