Yesterday our Mommy put us in the car and took us all the way up to Ravenswood to go meet some of her friends. We met Jill and Thelma and Amada and Chuck and Jasmina and Kim and Khalid and Judy and Lucy and Lynn and Gina and Nate and Brian probably lots of other people.
Very friendly people, but apparently the reason we were there was not for Intro to Socializing but for our one-month checkup. The good news is: there's nothing wrong with us! We are very healthy babies, and we are getting really big! Julia weighs 6 pounds and 6 ounces, and Anna weighs 6 pounds and an ounce. We have each grown an inch in length as well-- Julia is 19 inches and Anna is 18.
This is what we did when we came home. Our Mommy did likewise.